Attractions Ivory Coast

Visit San Pedro

San Pedro

1 places to visit
Visit Bouaké


4 places to visit
Visit Yamoussoukro


12 places to visit
Visit Korhogo


10 places to visit
Visit Man


6 places to visit
Visit Assinie


5 places to visit
Visit Grand Bassam

Grand Bassam

11 places to visit
Visit Sassandra


6 places to visit
Visit Jacqueville


4 places to visit
Visit Adiaké


1 places to visit
Visit Azaguie


1 places to visit
Visit Bonoua


1 places to visit
Visit Dabou


1 places to visit
Visit Grand Bereby

Grand Bereby

1 places to visit
Visit Grand Lahou

Grand Lahou

4 places to visit
Visit Kong


1 places to visit
Visit Soubre


1 places to visit
Visit Tiassale


2 places to visit

9 Shopping in Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Marché De Koumassi Abidjan

Marché De Koumassi

Marché de koumasi


Avg price / people
Marché De Marcory Abidjan

Marché De Marcory

Marché De Cocody Saint Jean Abidjan

Marché De Cocody Saint Jean

Waiting for the reconstruction of the market ravaged by fire in 2007, traders welcome you to a temporary location. Smaller than the CAVA market, it's a good alternative for finding...

Epicerie Epicure Abidjan

Epicerie Epicure

Epicure is a unique place where you can discover exceptional products. In addition to its selection of top-of-the-range products, Epicure also offers a tasting room ideal for aperi...

Market VIP Bouaké Abidjan

Market VIP Bouaké

Market VIP Bouaké is a lively open-air bar, offering a musical atmosphere and refreshing drinks for a successful evening. Come and enjoy the festive atmosphere and good spirits of...

La Ferme Épicerie Abidjan

La Ferme Épicerie

La Ferme Épicerie is a delicatessen offering catering and food delivery services.

Marché De Treicheville N’zassa Abidjan

Marché De Treicheville N’zassa

Located near the town hall, not far from the Republican Guard, this is a very busy market. Its particularity lies in the specialization of different sales zones (smoked fish marke...

Marché D'Adjamé Abidjan

Marché D'Adjamé

1 reviews

" Très chaleureux en terme de démographie. On y trouve un peu de tout. Idéal pour faire des amplettes bon marché. "

La Harpe Harmonieuse Abidjan

La Harpe Harmonieuse

La Harpe Harmonieuse is a musical instrument store offering singing and music lessons. We offer a wide selection of quality instruments for all levels, as well as accessories and s...

    Frequently Asked Questions about shopping in Abidjan