Maison Des Esclaves

Have you visited: Maison Des Esclaves?

First UNESCO World Heritage Site in Africa. Built around 1776, the House of Slaves is a striking red house overlooking the port of Dakar on the Atlantic Ocean and shares the history and stories of the vast transatlantic slave trade. Declined as a museum in 1962, it has welcomed thousands of visitors, including Nelson Mandela, Pope John Paul II and Barack Obama.

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Sunugal Hotel
Hotel Des Almadies
5.0 /5 | 1 reviews
Hotel Djoloff
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Le Jardin
Le Lagon 2
Le Farid
La galette
4.0 /5 | 1 reviews

Best activities around

Excursions en Quads au Lac Rose
Balades à Dos de Chameau
Tours en 4x4 et 8x8 au Lac Rose
Baignade au lac rose

Dakar : best attractions