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Ranch de Bango

Hotels Village de Bango près de l’Aéroport, Saint Louis Saint Louis, Senegal Contact

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Village de Bango près de l’Aéroport, Saint Louis (+221) 33 961 19 81


In the middle of the vegetation of Bango, 12 km from Saint Louis, the Ranch de Bango hotel has 27 rooms of 20 m² and a suite of 102 m². A large colonial-style family home surrounded by a magnificent green garden, it is in this setting that you will be served traditional local and family cuisine from noon to midnight. The hotel organizes excursions to the ornithological park of Djoudj. You can practice fishing and of course horse riding. Glued to Ranch Bango, over an area of ​​120 ha, the Dama Reserve offers endemic species of Senegal: rufifrons gazelle, dorcas gazelle, oryx from the Sahel, buffalo from Senegal, koba, cob, warthogs, Patas monkey, various birds.

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Saint Louis, Village de Bango près de l’Aéroport, Saint Louis

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Saint Louis, Village de Bango près de l’Aéroport, Saint Louis

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