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Le Phoenix

Hotels  Hydrobase, Saint Louis, Sn, Saint-Louis Saint Louis, Senegal Contact

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 Hydrobase, Saint Louis, Sn, Saint-Louis  (+221) 33 961 72 30


Offering a swimming pool, Hôtel Le Phoenix is ​​located close to the beach. The economical property provides 10 cozy rooms. Staying here, you'll be a 10-minute drive from Art Gallery. The center of Saint-Louis is 6 km away and the Langue de Barbarie National Park is 4.8 km away. The hotel is located next to Plage Hydrobase. It is 15 minutes by car from Saint-Louis airport.

Avez-vous séjourné au Le Phoenix ?



Hotel Amenities

  • Airport Pickup
  • Swimming Pool

Price Level

  • Budget


Saint Louis,  Hydrobase, Saint Louis, Sn, Saint-Louis

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Saint Louis,  Hydrobase, Saint Louis, Sn, Saint-Louis

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Hotels in Saint Louis