Guesthouse Yonol

Have you stayed at: Guesthouse Yonol?

The Inn Guesthouse Yonol is ideally located in Village Abéné in Abémé, just 1.2 km from the center. The nearest Banjul is located 39.1 km from the hotel. Here are offered all the necessary amenities: seasonal fishing, washing, parking space, cozy restaurant, convenient airport transfer, nice garden, packed lunches. Draw attention to the fact that only cash payments are accepted. Accommodation staff are fluent in French, English and German. For comfortable accommodation, you can choose one of the 2 rooms of the hostel. Accommodation is presented with the following room categories: twin, double. A wide range of equipment is offered here: clothes rack, outdoor dining area, outdoor furniture. You will enjoy a view of the garden from your window. The accommodation also offers unique facilities for guests: patio.

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Niambodecouverte, casamance

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