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Villa Taj Marrakech

Guest House villa taj omayma, Route d'Amizmiz Marrakech, Morocco Website Send a email Contact

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villa taj omayma, Route d'Amizmiz 0661 949254 Visit the hotel website


Villa Taj Marrakech is a 21-room luxury villa specializing in the organization of upscale events. Located just 5 minutes from the Fairmont Hotel on the road to Amizmiz, it boasts a 25-meter heated swimming pool, a jacuzzi for 24 people and a hectare of lush gardens with century-old olive trees. This exceptional property overlooks the Atlas Mountains and offers flexible spaces for open-air ceremonies, cocktails and dances. An integrated events agency ensures tailor-made organization, while a team of professionals provides a refined catering service combining Moroccan and international cuisine. Take advantage of a rooftop terrace with panoramic views and the possibility of complete privatization for memorable events.

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Hotel Amenities

  • Swimming Pool

Price Level

  • Luxury


Marrakech, villa taj omayma, Route d'Amizmiz

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Marrakech, villa taj omayma, Route d'Amizmiz

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Hotels in Marrakech