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Villa Des Orangers

Guest House 6 rue sidi mimoun, Médina Marrakech, Morocco Website Contact

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6 rue sidi mimoun, Médina +212 0 524 384638 Visit the hotel website


A 5-star luxury Riad in the heart of the medina, La Villa des Orangers combines traditional architecture with modern comforts. With 30 refined rooms, some with private terraces, this historic establishment built in the 1930s offers breathtaking views of the medina and the Atlas Mountains. Enjoy three heated swimming pools, including a 16-meter pool, as well as the Gemology spa with massage cabins and a hammam. The restaurant offers a delicate blend of Moroccan and international cuisine. Free Wi-Fi and airport transfer included for direct bookings add to the experience. Pay parking nearby.

Avez-vous séjourné au Villa Des Orangers ?



Hotel Amenities

  • Parking
  • Airport Pickup
  • Swimming Pool
  • Restaurants

Price Level

  • Luxury

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Hotels in Marrakech