Koral Beach

Located in Grand-Bassam, by the sea Koral Beach Hotel opens its doors. It features spacious rooms, each with a TV and free Wi-Fi.

In addition to its restaurant overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, the hotel also has a bar that offers you the opportunity to have a good time in peace.

  • Bar / Lounge
  • Restaurants

Best attractions around

Maison Du Patrimoine Culturel
Musée National Du Costume
Centre de la Céramique de Grand-Bassam
Centre Georges Momboye Arts Pluriels

Best restaurants around

Bassam Pizza
Jardin D'Eden
3.9 /5 | 2 reviews
La Maison De La Lagune
Boblin La Mer

Best activities around

Visite guidée 2h - musée du costume de grand-bassam
Visite guidée 1h - musée du costume
Visite guidée express - musée du costume 30min
Visite guidée 2h - ville historique grand-bassam
4.0 /5 | 2 reviews

Hotels in Grand Bassam