La Commanderie de Grand Bassam

Have you stayed at: La Commanderie de Grand Bassam?

Enjoy a unique stay in a hotel located in a colonial house in Grand-Bassam. This establishment offers an authentic experience, blending historic charm with modern comforts. Travelers will appreciate the unique atmosphere of this colonial mansion, while taking advantage of the amenities and services offered by the hotel.

Best attractions around

Maison Du Patrimoine Culturel
Musée National Du Costume
Centre de la Céramique de Grand-Bassam
Centre Georges Momboye Arts Pluriels

Best restaurants around

Bassam Pizza
Jardin D'Eden
3.9 /5 | 2 reviews
La Maison De La Lagune
Boblin La Mer

Best activities around

Visite guidée 2h - musée du costume de grand-bassam
Visite guidée 1h - musée du costume
Visite guidée express - musée du costume 30min
Visite guidée 2h - ville historique grand-bassam
4.0 /5 | 2 reviews

Hotels in Grand Bassam