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Agafay Luxury Camp

Inns and Camp dour laarissa, km12, Désert d'Agafay Marrakech, Morocco

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dour laarissa, km12, Désert d'Agafay


Luxury camp in the Agafay desert, just 50 minutes from Marrakech, offers a unique immersion in a 600-acre desert landscape. This retreat combines modern luxury and wilderness, with luxurious tents and villas featuring private outdoor baths and swimming pools. All units are equipped with electricity, air conditioning and hot water, guaranteeing optimal comfort. Enjoy two communal pools, a large Jacuzzi and a panoramic restaurant with vegetarian options. Activities include camel rides, quad-biking excursions, dinners under the stars and hot-air balloon flights, set against a backdrop of spectacular canyons and dunes.

Avez-vous séjourné au Agafay Luxury Camp ?



Hotel Amenities

  • Air Conditioning
  • Swimming Pool
  • Restaurants

Price Level

  • Luxury

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Marrakech, dour laarissa, km12, Désert d'Agafay

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Marrakech, dour laarissa, km12, Désert d'Agafay

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