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Imperial Casablanca Hotel & Spa

Hotels 291, Boulevard Mohamed V et Angle Rue Azilal ، Ex. Rond Point Shell ، Casablanca 20110, Maroc Casablanca, Morocco Website Send a email Contact

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291, Boulevard Mohamed V et Angle Rue Azilal ، Ex. Rond Point Shell ، Casablanca 20110, Maroc +212 5223-01825 Visit the hotel website


The Imperial Casablanca Hotel & Spa, located in the heart of Casablanca, offers a unique experience in a listed building. This 4-star hotel is close to the Art Deco district, famous for its architectural heritage. Guests can enjoy quality services, including a relaxing spa, as well as a refined ambience. Book directly on the official website to benefit from an exclusive 10% discount on your stay. Discover the charm of Casablanca while enjoying the comfort of this exceptional establishment.

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Casablanca, 291, Boulevard Mohamed V et Angle Rue Azilal ، Ex. Rond Point Shell ، Casablanca 20110, Maroc

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Casablanca, 291, Boulevard Mohamed V et Angle Rue Azilal ، Ex. Rond Point Shell ، Casablanca 20110, Maroc

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Hotels in Casablanca