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Gîte D'étape Du Fleuve

Guest House Richard-Toll Sénégal Cap Skirring, Senegal Send a email Contact

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Richard-Toll Sénégal +221 339 63 32 40


The setting of the hostel is impeccable and the terrace by the river gives an impression of "the end of the world". And it's a pleasure when you've just spent 400 kilometres in the hot sun, diving into the pool and going to bed in an air-conditioned room! But beware, happiness is a price to pay! Impeccable, friendly and professional welcome. Quality restoration. In Richard-Toll, by the river, signposts at the entrance to the city.

Avez-vous séjourné au Gîte D'étape Du Fleuve ?



Hotel Amenities

  • Swimming Pool


Cap Skirring, Richard-Toll Sénégal

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Cap Skirring, Richard-Toll Sénégal

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