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Kempinski El Farouk

Hotels Boulevard du 22 Octobre 1946 Bamako, Mali Website Send a email Contact

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Boulevard du 22 Octobre 1946 2147483647 Visit the hotel website


Overlooking the river and the Martyrs Bridge, the El Farouk Hotel is one of the most luxurious in the country. The least we can say is that here, we have not lonely on the means! The establishment sets the tone from the entrance, with a clinking decor, just what it takes. The rooms are clean and comfortable: cozy living room, bathroom, minibar, satellite TV, internet access ... The property also has a restaurant (buffet at 6,000 FCFA, hot flat at 8,000 FCFA), a conference room and a small bookstore, which offers various newspapers and books on the country.

Avez-vous séjourné au Kempinski El Farouk ?



Hotel Amenities

  • Restaurants
  • Business Center


Bamako, Boulevard du 22 Octobre 1946

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Bamako, Boulevard du 22 Octobre 1946

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