Hotel l'océan

Explore Hotel L'Océan, your affordable seaside paradise. Enjoy total relaxation, delightful yet affordable gastronomic experiences in a unique setting. Our air-conditioned rooms, impeccably clean, provide stunning views of the sea from a white sandy beach. Thomas' dedicated team ensures an unforgettable stay. Book now for an exceptional experience where well-being and quality converge.

  • Air Conditioning
  • Restaurants

  • Pay at Hotel

Best attractions around

Le Parc National Des Îles Ehotilé
Parc Animalier Dipi
Musée Aniaba d’Assinie Mafia
Polaris Café

Best hotels around

La voile rouge
Kame surf camp & school / sunset beach bar
Marine de Babihana

Best restaurants around

Le Santa Maria

Best activities around

Sortie détente à Assinie
A la découverte du parc national des îles ehotilés

Hotels in Assinie