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Hôtel la Plage

Hotels Rte Assinie-Mafia Assinie - Assinie Assinie, Ivory Coast Contact

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Rte Assinie-Mafia Assinie - Assinie


Hôtel la Plage is a seaside establishment located in Assinie. In addition to its hotel services, this hotel-bar-restaurant offers a wide range of activities for travelers in search of entertainment. Take advantage of our wide range of activities, including jet boating, towed buoys, beach volleyball, paddle boarding, canoeing and slacklining. Come relax and enjoy our ideal location for an unforgettable vacation.

Avez-vous séjourné au Hôtel la Plage ?



Hotel Amenities

  • Restaurants
  • Bar / Lounge


Assinie, Rte Assinie-Mafia Assinie - Assinie


Assinie, Rte Assinie-Mafia Assinie - Assinie

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Hotels in Assinie