L’Ancien Palais du Gouverneur

Have you stayed at: L’Ancien Palais du Gouverneur?

Typical of the colonial architecture of New Orleans, this building dating from 1912 is a true gem. With its majestic double staircase and its louvered shutters, it offers a unique and authentic charm. The construction work lasted 7 years, testifying to the quality and attention to detail put into its completion. Ideally located, this building is perfect for travelers looking for an authentic and immersive experience in the city of New Orleans.

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La Rotonde Des Arts Contemporains
5.0 /5 | 1 reviews

Best restaurants around

Bushman café
4.0 /5 | 12 reviews
Hollywood boulevard
3.6 /5 | 6 reviews
Couleur Café
3.3 /5 | 2 reviews
Les Cloches D'argent

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