Atlantys résidence

Have you stayed at: Atlantys résidence?

Located in Biétry in Zone 4, our hotel residence offers a comfortable and welcoming environment for travelers. With modern amenities and quality service, we strive to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. Take advantage of our ideal location to explore local attractions and discover the region's unique culture.

Best attractions around

Galerie Cécile Fakhoury
Fondation Donwahi Pour L'art Contemporain
Le Basquiat Art Gallery
La Rotonde Des Arts Contemporains
5.0 /5 | 1 reviews

Best restaurants around

Bushman café
4.0 /5 | 12 reviews
Hollywood boulevard
3.6 /5 | 6 reviews
Couleur Café
3.3 /5 | 2 reviews
Les Cloches D'argent

Best activities around

Visite touristique à la découverte des cultures du terroir
Wonderful wonders of nature in ivory coast
Rando banco
Abidjan street and by night

Hotels in Abidjan