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The Rhino Resort Hotel

Hotels Rue du Karting Saly, Senegal Website Send a email Contact

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Rue du Karting 221339573744 Visit the hotel website


We offer you a unique experience, the time of a stay under the sign of elegance, charm and refinement.The intimate size hotel has 41 rooms with contemporary design evoking tranquility and remains an undisputed must for all Comfort lovers. The hotel has one of the most modern spas in Africa, elected for three consecutive years, the world's best spa hotel, beauty salon, fitness room, four conference rooms with high-tech facilities, two restaurants , two bars-lounge, 3 swimming pools and a children's space.

Avez-vous séjourné au The Rhino Resort Hotel ?



Hotel Amenities

  • Swimming Pool
  • Bar / Lounge
  • Business Center

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