Hotel Les Fleurettes

Have you stayed at: Hotel Les Fleurettes?

The hotel Les Fleurettes is perfectly located in the heart of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso near the National Museum of Music and the stadium of 4 August.

The rooms are perfectly equipped with a fridge and a flat-screen cable TV. The hotel also offers a continental breakfast which is served on site.

The hotel Les Fleurettes is an ideal setting which has a welcoming and very professional staff that will make your stay pleasant.

  • Air Conditioning
  • Restaurants

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Découverte des attraits touristiques de banfora

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Le Vert Galant
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Best attractions around

Ouagadougou Cathedral
Mosquée centrale de Ouagadougou
Bangr Weogo Park
Faso Parc

Hotels in Ouagadougou