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Water Lovers Beach Resort

Hotels Près de Baharini Plaza, Ukunda, Diani Beach Rd, Plage de Diani, Kenya , Kenya Website Send a email Contact

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Près de Baharini Plaza, Ukunda, Diani Beach Rd, Plage de Diani, Kenya Visit the hotel website


Located 35km from Mombasa, WaterLovers is a picturesque seaside resort located on the Indian Ocean coast on Diani Beach. The complex has eight very spacious suites, an apartment with a terrace and an independent villa.  Its rooms overlooking the sea are perfectly equipped.

WatersLovers also houses a restaurant with a sea view, a beach bar, a turtle-shaped swimming pool, a spa, an art shop and a beach house for water sports. 

Avez-vous séjourné au Water Lovers Beach Resort ?



Hotel Amenities

  • Internet (Wi-fi)
  • Air Conditioning
  • Parking
  • Swimming Pool
  • Restaurants
  • Bar / Lounge
  • Room Service

Hotel Offers

  • Breakfast


Diani Beach, Près de Baharini Plaza, Ukunda, Diani Beach Rd, Plage de Diani, Kenya


Diani Beach, Près de Baharini Plaza, Ukunda, Diani Beach Rd, Plage de Diani, Kenya

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